Thursday, January 29, 2009

Correction, I'm actually 7 weeks and 3 days!!!

Hello! Sorry I'm behind in blogging but I wanted to have my sono pics up before I blogged! To the left you see my beautiful baby the size of a craisen right now. Isn't he/she cute! My first sonogram went very well, I got to see the heart beat on the Doppler, the nurse said that we have an excellent and strong heart beat. You can see in the picture where they graphed his heart beat, 147 bpm! She said that was amazing and we have a healthy baby growing inside me right now. After seeing the baby she said I'm at 7 weeks and 3 days, I've been a week behind this entire time. Which totally explains why I started everything early, i.e. morning sickness, etc. Here I thought I was pregnant with twins, nope there's only one baby in there!

It was so cool seeing the heart beat for the first time. It looks like frequent flashes of light on the Doppler, it's wild. I really cant wait to hear the baby's heart beat or know the sex for that matter. This is the most exciting thing my husband and I have ever gone through.

So how am I feeling, well pretty much the same. The nagging nausea is still hanging on for most of the day. I've been eating a little more but don't over do it because that makes me even more sick. I have to force myself to eat in the mornings, I don't feel like eating anything but when I'm hungry I get even more nauseous. So I've learned to eat some carbs in the morning and little things throughout the day. I will be happy when the first trimester is over with and I can start eating again and having a little more energy. Speaking of energy, I have none! I'm so tired all the time, which is totally hard when you are a working woman. I've been doing the best I can, I pretty much work 8-5:00PM and don't over do it. Those of you who know me, I'm a overtime kind of gal, well not anymore. It's all good though, I wouldn't have it any other way!

So my fertility doctor finally released me to my OBGYN and I have my first appointment with him on the 3rd of February. By that time I will be right at 8 weeks. I'm not sure if he's going to give me another sonogram but we'll see. Every doctors different and since this is my first experience I have a lot to learn. I will keep you posted!

Well that's about it for this week, we are moving right along. Thanks for taking this journey with me everyone!!

Until next time!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

5 Weeks!!

Hello Everyone!

Well now I'm 5 weeks along and to the left is a picture of what my baby looks like and a diagram of what your body does at 5 weeks. Who knew that a blog can be so educational LOL!

So how am I feeling? Well I can definitely tell that there's a baby growing inside of me. I haven't really been able to eat anything, I haven't been throwing up but I feel like I'm going to every time I eat. I'm still having some unpleasant issues that I will spare you from, but they are extremely unpleasant. Nothing sounds good to me right now as far as food goes. My husband took me to Chick-Fil-A for dinner on Saturday and when I ordered soup instead of my normal combo #1 value sized, he knew I wasn't right. I'm having a lot of headaches too, seems like I wake up with one and struggle for most of the day, it finally goes away. I usually would take Tylenol but with the way my stomach feels I haven't been. I'm still really bloated, I figured it's not going to get any better so I just need to give in, so I'm using a rubber band to close some of my slacks, or just doing the unbutton thing when I sit down, it is what it is. It's just a yucky feeling overall, but from what I hear that's completely normal. I'm just happy that I haven't been throwing up!

One more week until we have our sonogram, I'm extremely excited!! I cant wait to see my little shrimp on the Doppler, it's going to be an amazing sight! Its crazy how a week can seem so far away, it will be here before I know it I'm sure.

Well take care everyone, until I write again.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Week Four and Counting!

Hello! So I'm going on week #4 and I feel just great! No morning sickness so far, so it's all good. Sometimes I feel like taking another pregnancy test just to make sure I still am because I just feel that good. I have the usual symptoms, sore breast, tired all the time, other things I will spare you from, so that is a reminder that I have a bun in the oven.

So I started to call my baby Shrimp, because the stage that it's in right now literally looks like a shrimp, it's freaky really. It's just amazing to me that weekly it's something new.

I was so excited because Saturday I was supposed to start my period and I didn't, so that made me officially late! I know I'm weird but when you do fertility you find out two weeks after conception so you don't wait until your first missed period like normal women do. Up until I missed my period it was so surreal that I was pregnant, now I feel like I really am! It's just so exciting!

I cant wait until January 28th because I have my first sonogram! I will get to see the baby's heart beat and get some pictures, I will also know my due date! 2 more weeks to go for that, I can hardly wait!

Well anyways, better get back to work, let me tell you ever since I've found out it's been really hard to focus on work. I'm getting better though, I have 8 more months to go!

Until next time!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Pregnant!! Finally!!

Hello! I decided to start a blog because the journey I've been on is far to great to keep to myself. If you look to your left that's me and my husband on our wedding day, we were so happy and skinny!!! LOL!!! It's just weird looking at that picture, almost 8 years ago and comparing to the people we are now.

Jair and I have been through a lot together, those of you close to us know that the things we've been through have defined who we are and our love for each other. It's been a journey and there's no one else I would rather be on this journey. He completes me, I know cheesy but true.

Well about a year ago we decided that it was time to grow our family tree and start trying to have a baby. Let me tell you, it took us a long time to make that decision, having a baby was a huge step and we wanted to be 100% ready. What I didn't know was I would have plenty of time to think about it while trying. The last thing on my mind at the time was that I would have issues having a baby! I'm a woman and that's what we do right?

Well we tried for 9 months until we considered fertility options. I know I had a normal period and I ovulated every month consistently, I bought the ovulation sticks to detect, charted, took my temp, everything but still nothing. I knew that there was something more and I had no control over it! It was extremely frustrating! I finally got a referral to an awesome Infertility Specialist named Dr. Samuel Chantilis. What we noticed is that I ovulated but it was too late and my period was counter acting it. By the time I finished ovulating I was already PMSing so my body confused itself. I'm not exactly sure why I work that way, stress of the job maybe? Doesn't really matter I knew that we needed to do something different and that's what we did.

So I started on my journey of fertility treatments. They had to do many test just to make sure my tubes weren't clogged and my hormones were normal. To do that they had to insert green dye into my uterus to see if the dye shoots out of the tube, and luckily for me it did. After that they had to take a bunch of blood to make sure my hormone levels were normal, and they were. Then my husband had to get checked out, and lets just say he can populate the entire state of North Texas with just one sample, he was totally not the problem. So after everything we were ready to start our journey.

The next month they started me on Clomide, this is a fertility drug that helps create and mature follicles, eggs, for fertilization. After 5 days of that I had to go back to the doctor for them to give me a sono and check to see if my follicles are ready to go. When I was I had to inject myself with a drug called Ovidrill, what this does in force your body to ovulate in 36 hours. That way we knew exactly when the time was right to conceive.

I was really confident that this was going to work the first time around, according to my tests and everything I was good to go. But it didn't work and I was extremely depressed for days. There's nothing like the feeling of failure and I know many woman can relate to when I say that. After going 9 months trying on our own and getting a negative test every month, it's just a horrible feeling. Anyways now we knew that we had to do this all over again.

Moving on to month #2. Did everything I was suppose to do and this time when they did the sono I had two huge follicles on both sides giving me a greater chance of fertilization. I was so excited so I went home and we did what we were supposed to do. A week went by and I started feeling this familiar cramping feeling, I got so upset because I started feeling like I was about to start my period. That meant no baby yet again and we will have to do this all over! I was trying not to get upset, lucky for me Lisa my oldest sister was in town for Christmas and she kept me busy. But I had that feeling in the pit of my stomach that I wasn't and it was so depressing. So come January 3rd I was already in a funk. This was my scheduled pregnancy test, this is when I would hear the horrible news that I wasn't yet again! So as we were driving to the doctor I started talking to Jair about our next steps. I told him I pretty much knew I wasn't pregnant because I'm cramping and PMSing so we need to figure out our next steps. It was a sad ride to the doctor.

So we arrive and the Lisa, my nurse, takes me back to take a blood sample for the lab. As she was pumping I started crying and telling her that I'm pretty sure I'm not pregnant because I was cramping like I was about to start. Then I proceeded to tell her how much of a failure I was and I feel like I'm letting my husband, Mr. Fertile Sperm, down. She told me we will discuss next options when we get the results back and for me to just hang in there. As we were driving back home my husband really didn't know what to say so we were quiet the entire time.

When I got home I did what any sensible depressed woman would do, I opened up a huge bag of Cheetos and proceeded to eat them all and wash it down with a huge coke. As I was doing that my cell phone rang and it was Lisa from Dr. Chantilis' office. I was prepared for the worse, I had my Cheetos and plenty of chocolate in my pantry, I was ready to hear what I thought all along. Here's what was said: "Hi Lori, I got your lab results back and guess what?....You're pregnant!!" I said "Are you serious?! Shut Up!!!! I'm pregnant?!" Lisa says "Yes you are, I couldn't wait to call you and tell you especially since you were crying and breaking down in front of me because you thought you weren't....Congratulations I'm so happy for you and your husband!" All I could do is cry and praise God that we are finally pregnant!!

Meanwhile my husband was in the kitchen making breakfast burritos and he had the vent fan on and didn't hear a word of this conversation. So after I hung up with Lisa I went in the kitchen to tell him the news. I said "baby I just got off the phone with Dr. Chantilis' office" I started crying again but with a huge smile on my face "we are going to have a baby". He was so excited, we hugged and I cried, it was a great moment for us both.

So here comes the fun part, calling all of our family to let them know. I was beaming with joy, instead of gloomy news I was able to shout for joy, and that's exactly what I did. Everyone is so extremely excited and happy for us, especially because they know how long we've wanted this and how long it took to finally happen.

I feel truly blessed that I'm pregnant. God is so good and faithful, it's true that you have to just submit to him and his timing and he will take care of you. I feel that this is the perfect time for us to expand our family, God knew what he was doing!

Thanks for reading my blog, until next time!!