Wednesday, February 4, 2009

8 Weeks!!

Hello!! Sorry I'm late again this week with the blog but I wanted to make sure I uploaded new sono pics. Yesterday was my first OBGYN appointment and I got to see my baby again! I'm so amazed and the coolest thing of all is I got to hear the heart beat! I wasn't expecting to be able to hear the heart beat this early but I did. It's an amazing sound and so far my baby is really healthy. He or she has grown about 5mm since last week, that's just amazing to me. According to all the baby websites and the books I'm reading, my baby is a little bigger than a dime.

Just look at the pictures from this week and last week, it's just amazing how they change in a week! You can actually see his or her head, the little nubs forming for arms and legs. You want to know something cool, the other image in the sono that looks like a little blob, no that's not another baby, it's the yolk sack. The yolk sack is what's used to nurture your baby until the placenta is fully developed. I have to tell you I saw that blob and thought it may be another baby, for a minute there I almost fainted!

We finally have a due date, it is drum roll please......September 17th! Yay, according to all the baby websites I knew it would be anywhere around the 14th - 20th so this was no surprise. It's just nice to have a good firm date so we can start planning. My next appointment is March 3rd. I will be seeing a specialist where he will be checking my baby for any genetic diseases, such as Downs Syndrome, etc. This will be exactly at 12 weeks and it will be my last week of my 1st trimester. I'm looking forward to that. No all day sickness anymore, at least that's what I pray.

Now how do I feel? Well the nausea is just relentless lately but thankfully yesterday my doctor gave me a prescription for a great drug called Zofran. This is a miracle worker. I took it last night and was able to sleep all night without getting up to vomit, sorry to be so graphic. Today I feel a little like myself again. I still have to be careful with what I eat but for the most part that nagging nauseous feeling is gone. I feel like I've been so productive at work today! I thank God for creating science!

Please continue to pray for this baby inside my belly to continue growing healthy each week. I appreciate your prayers and encouragement, I love you all.

Until next time!

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