Thursday, February 19, 2009

Week 10!!

Hello Friends and family, I've made it to week 10, yay!! Not much has changed. According to my baby is about 1 and 1/4 inches long this week and weighs about 1.8 ounces. Here's a picture off their site so you can see what my baby looks like. The baby is just growing rapidly and it's cool that each week there's something different God focuses on for my baby's development. Week 10 marks a milestone for my baby. This first part of fetal development is all about organization. All of my baby's cells have been directed to their places—brain tissue is growing rapidly, muscles are forming, fingers and toes are becoming defined. He or she now looks less like an embryo (or an alien) and more like the baby in miniature form.

So how am I feeling? Well about the same. I'm now vomiting consistently every morning, sorry to be so blunt. During the day I start to feel a little more human again and then I go back down hill at night. I still haven't been able to eat much. I've lost about 7 pounds but I still have my baby bump so you can barely tell. I can tell with the way my clothes are fitting. I may have to stop wearing my maternity clothes right now because they are too big on me now, but they are still so comfy! Anyways, about this week I'm supposed to be exercising and eating a healthy diet. I looked at that and laughed, if I move too sudden I have to vomit, I cant imagine me exercising for that matter. And as for diet, I'm lucky to keep anything down, so what ever works is what it's going to be for right now. I'm really praying for the next two weeks to come fast so the 2nd trimester can start. I pray that I get relief and I can start working out, which I miss, and eating actual food, which I really miss!

Anyways, sorry I'm so late on this blog. I just haven't been feeling well and this is the first day this week that I felt I can blog and make sense. Quick story, when I was about 22 I believe, my husband and I were engaged, I worked with a lady who got pregnant. One day I went to her cube to give her a message and she jumped down my throat for disturbing her. I got so mad and stormed out of her cube, and I didn't talk to her for months. I thought that was the rudest thing EVER!! Now that I'm going through this I feel so bad for even getting upset with her. My gosh these hormones are strong and they are in control right now. I have found myself doing the same thing at work, I apologize afterwards, but I can't control it! It's just funny looking back now on that situation, I should've hugged her and said I was sorry LOL!!

Anyways, I will be blogging soon on week 11, that's coming up on Monday! God bless you all and thanks for your continued support and prayers.

Until next time!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

9 Weeks!

Hello again! Well we are going on week 9 and nothing much has changed really. This week my baby is about the size of a quarter, which is really weird because by the looks of me you would think it's much bigger. I've been telling everyone that I'm showing already and everyone has been saying "there's no way it's too early" so here's a picture. I've had several people come up to me congratulating me of my pregnancy so it's not only obvious to me, it's now obvious to others. When I had my doctor's appointment last week I asked him why I was showing so early. He just said every woman is different and it could be multiple reasons. I think I've defied all the books by my belly. All the books I've been reading said that usually more petite women start showing early and for larger women it can take up to 5-6 months for them to show, well I proved them wrong cause Lord knows I'm so far from petite! I just gave in and I'm wearing maternity clothes now, and boy those are comfortable!!

Anyways, so how am I feeling? Well on my last blog my doctor prescribed me an anti-nausea medication called Zofran and that was making a huge difference. Problem is the Zofran ended causing other complications so my doctor took me off of it. So, I'm having to deal 1x1 with the nausea and that's been pretty tough. I had a really rough morning this morning but I feel a little more at ease right now, it comes and goes all through out the day. Also there's another issue, my doctor called me and said I tested positive for Group B Strep, he's putting me on medication now to try and kill the bacteria and of coarse he will be watching me through the pregnancy. I'm really rather freaked out about it, 1 out of 4 women are carriers of this bacteria and it can be passed on to my baby during birth. The good thing is it's treatable. I'm still not 100% educated on this subject so if any of you have any knowledge you can pass on I will be extremely appreciative!

Well the count down continues, 3 more weeks until my 1st trimester is over. I pray to God that I start feeling better and I will be able to eat more than saltines and soup, I would really like that! I appreciate all the prayers, thank you all very much!

Until next time!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

8 Weeks!!

Hello!! Sorry I'm late again this week with the blog but I wanted to make sure I uploaded new sono pics. Yesterday was my first OBGYN appointment and I got to see my baby again! I'm so amazed and the coolest thing of all is I got to hear the heart beat! I wasn't expecting to be able to hear the heart beat this early but I did. It's an amazing sound and so far my baby is really healthy. He or she has grown about 5mm since last week, that's just amazing to me. According to all the baby websites and the books I'm reading, my baby is a little bigger than a dime.

Just look at the pictures from this week and last week, it's just amazing how they change in a week! You can actually see his or her head, the little nubs forming for arms and legs. You want to know something cool, the other image in the sono that looks like a little blob, no that's not another baby, it's the yolk sack. The yolk sack is what's used to nurture your baby until the placenta is fully developed. I have to tell you I saw that blob and thought it may be another baby, for a minute there I almost fainted!

We finally have a due date, it is drum roll please......September 17th! Yay, according to all the baby websites I knew it would be anywhere around the 14th - 20th so this was no surprise. It's just nice to have a good firm date so we can start planning. My next appointment is March 3rd. I will be seeing a specialist where he will be checking my baby for any genetic diseases, such as Downs Syndrome, etc. This will be exactly at 12 weeks and it will be my last week of my 1st trimester. I'm looking forward to that. No all day sickness anymore, at least that's what I pray.

Now how do I feel? Well the nausea is just relentless lately but thankfully yesterday my doctor gave me a prescription for a great drug called Zofran. This is a miracle worker. I took it last night and was able to sleep all night without getting up to vomit, sorry to be so graphic. Today I feel a little like myself again. I still have to be careful with what I eat but for the most part that nagging nauseous feeling is gone. I feel like I've been so productive at work today! I thank God for creating science!

Please continue to pray for this baby inside my belly to continue growing healthy each week. I appreciate your prayers and encouragement, I love you all.

Until next time!